The Mentoring Workshop

For Early Career Women* Faculty in Philosophy

We are delighted to announce that the Seventh Biennial Mentoring Workshop for Early Career Women* in Philosophy will be held June 4-6, 2025, at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri. 

The Mentoring Workshop began as an initiative of the Women in Philosophy Task Force, an umbrella group aimed at coordinating initiatives and intensifying efforts to advance the careers of women in Philosophy.  Its inaugural workshop in 2011 followed a model designed by women in the American Economics Association.  There is mounting evidence that mentoring is important for success in academia. The Mentoring Workshop aims to build long-term mentoring relationships between eminent senior and junior scholars in the discipline of Philosophy.

*While we retain the historic title for this workshop, the directors would like to emphasize that the goal of this workshop is to provide mentorship to philosophers who might have had difficulty finding it in virtue of their gender.  Given the demographics of the field, this includes philosophers from one or more of the following groups: women, nonbinary people, and trans* people.

Apply for the 2025 Mentoring Workshop!

This workshop seeks to address the ongoing underrepresentation of women, non-binary people, and trans* people in professional philosophy by building long-term mentoring relationships among senior and junior colleagues from these groups.  Any woman, nonbinary person, or trans* person entering or holding a faculty (pre-tenure or contract) or postdoc position in Philosophy at a college or university is eligible to apply.  Because the workshop is aimed specifically at those who are navigating academic life after their PhD, we require that applicants have successfully defended by the date of their application.  Members of groups underrepresented in Philosophy are especially encouraged to apply.

Your application should include a CV and an abstract of your proposed workshop paper.  Successful applicants will be assigned a networking group consisting of a mentor and four fellow mentees working in similar fields.  Given that workshop groups are intended to function as long-term sources of mentoring and networking support, it is recommended that your paper fall squarely within the area of specialization in which you intend your future work to focus. The deadline to apply is December 15, 2024.

Call for Mentors

We would like to invite senior scholars interested in serving as mentors for the Mentoring Workshop to identify themselves by signing up using the button below.

Mentors will provide written feedback on the workshop papers of each of the four mentees in their networking group, and will participate in discussions and panels at the workshop.  In the long term, mentors will offer to monitor the progress of mentees’ careers and offer advice about professional development.   

Support Us

The Marc Sanders Foundation is pledging a dollar-for-dollar match (up to $12000) for The Mentoring Workshop. Contribute today!

To make a gift contribution in support of The Mentoring Workshop, please use the form below, and you will be taken to our donation platform on Paypal. If you prefer to send a physical payment, please follow the instructions found on our Contribute page, noting The Mentoring Workshop in your payment memo.

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    The Mentoring Workshop began as a project of the Women in Philosophy Task Force. It is currently funded by the Marc Sanders Foundation and has been funded in the past by grants from the American Philosophical Association and by the departments that have hosted each of the workshops–including the Department of Philosophy at the University of Missouri, the Department of Philosophy at Boston University, the Department of Philosophy at University of Utah, the Department of Philosophy at University of Massachusetts Amherst, and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Kansas. 

    About the Workshop

    The 7th Biennial Mentoring Workshop for Early Career Women* in Philosophy will be held June 4-6, 2025, at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri.

    Mentees will be assigned a networking group consisting of a mentor and four fellow mentees working in similar fields. Each mentor will provide written feedback on the workshop papers of each mentee and will participate in discussions at the workshop. Mentees will take responsibility for providing written feedback on the papers of their group members and will serve as discussion leader and first reader for one paper and second reader for another. In the long term, group members will actively monitor the progress of each other’s careers, offering philosophical feedback and, in the case of the mentors, advice about professional development along the way.


    Why Attend?
    Women, non-binary people, and trans* people are underrepresented in the profession of Philosophy.  While there are several explanations for these disparities–including those found in special issues of Hypatia and the Journal of Social Philosophy –good mentoring is clearly important for success in academia, and philosophers of other genders do not receive as much of it as cisgender men do. The Mentoring Workshop therefore aims to build long-term mentoring relationships among eminent senior and junior women, non-binary people, and trans* people in the discipline.

    Any woman, nonbinary person, or trans* person entering or holding a faculty (pre-tenure or contract) or postdoc position in Philosophy at a college or university is eligible to apply.  Because the workshop is aimed specifically at those who are navigating academic life after their PhD, we require that applicants have successfully defended by the date of their submission.  Members of groups underrepresented in Philosophy are especially encouraged to apply.

    There is no charge for participation in the workshop, but we expect mentees’ home institutions to cover the cost of their transportation, room, and board. We recognize and deeply regret if the cost of attending the workshop is prohibitive. While the Mentoring Workshop operates on a limited budget, we invite those without institutional support to contact us directly, so that we can offer support and advice as best we are able.

    The Mentoring Workshop is committed to making the workshop completely accessible to disabled philosophers.  All meeting, dining, and guest rooms are wheelchair accessible.  Philosophers requiring ASL interpreters or assistive technology are asked to communicate such needs on the relevant form.

    For questions or comments, please send an email to


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    Advisory Board

    Past Workshops

    2023, Sixth Biennial Workshop

    More Details

    2019, Fifth Biennial Workshop

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    2017, Fourth Biennial Workshop

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    2015, Third Biennial Workshop

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    2013, Second Biennial Workshop

    2011, Inaugural Workshop

    More Details


    "The Mentoring Project,"

    by Louise Antony and Ann E. Cudd

    Contact Us

    The Marc Sanders Foundation would be happy to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us (e-mail is preferred) about any questions you might have.


    Kori Hensell

    Copyright 2019 Marc Sanders Foundation