Our Impact

The Marc Sanders Foundation has a strong history of identifying and rewarding excellence in philosophy, as well as identifying, nurturing and fostering programs that advance philosophy in the public and academic arenas. It has

  • Convened teams of the world’s top philosophers to form research prize committees, advisory boards, and outreach to programs for up-and-coming philosophers;
  • Selected and awarded coveted prizes for the very best work being done, over the past 25 years, by early-career philosophers working on fundamental philosophical questions
    concerning religion, morality, responsibility, science and nature;
  • Identified and provided essential funding to the National High School Ethics Bowl, which has over 4,000 high school students annually engaging in collaborative ethical discussions and problem-solving over the course of a year;
  • Helped build extensive mentoring programs for minority students interested in philosophy during college, graduate school, and early in their career, bringing fresh new voices and
    perspectives to the field;
  • Advised, helped developed, and provided seed funding for programs that bring the tools and insights of philosophy to a broader audience, including elementary school students and
  • Reached 70,000+ people with free and accessible conferences, lectures and web videos.

Over the next five years, the Marc Sanders Foundation will greatly expand our impact by dramatically multiplying the scope, impact, and appreciation of philosophy – of its tools, the insights it offers, and the significance of the questions it addresses.

Contact Us

The Marc Sanders Foundation would be happy to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us (e-mail is preferred) about any questions you might have.


Kori Hensell

Copyright 2019 Marc Sanders Foundation