Athena in Action

Networking and Mentoring Workshop for Women Graduate Students in Philosophy

The dearth of women in philosophy can lead to many challenges for women philosophy graduate students and faculty. Women may receive inadequate mentorship or support, and, as a result, leave the profession or fail to work to their full potential. Because philosophy has so few women, losing any of them is a serious loss for the profession.

This biennial networking and mentoring workshop, “Athena in Action,” is designed to gather 35 graduate student women together with female faculty for philosophical conversation, mentoring, and academic support. The workshop is organized by Elisabeth Camp (Associate Professor of Philosophy, Rutgers University), Elizabeth Harman (Associate Professor of Philosophy and Human Values, Princeton University), and Jill North (Associate Professor of Philosophy, Cornell University). Visit the Athena in Action website.

Support Athena in Action: To make a gift contribution in support of Athena in Action, please visit our Contribute Page, and select “Particular Program” then “Athena in Action” from the drop-down menu.

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Barry Lam

Copyright 2019 Marc Sanders Foundation