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We are delighted to announce our 2025 Media Fellows. Fellows were selected from a pool of 240 applicants this year through a selection committee consisting of academic philosophers and media industry professionals. Generously funded by grants from the Mellon Foundation, the Sloan Foundation, and Princeton University's Center for Human Values and the Department of Philosophy, our Philosophy in Media Initiative aims to increase the presence of philosophy in print, audio, and video media by training philosophers to write and produce for the public, and by connecting philosophers to editors and commissioners in the media industry. Media Fellows will receive workshop training at Tarrytown Estates, NY, lodging and meals at the workshops, connections to industry professionals, and a $1500 honorarium.
Learn more about the workshop leaders and the 2025 Philosophy in Media Fellows below!
Director, Philosophy in Media Initiative; Host/Exec. Producer, Hi-Phi Nation
Staff Writer, The New Yorker
Opinion Editor at The New York Times
Managing Director of Brockman, Inc.
Associate Professor, Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell University
Senior Editor, W. W. Norton & Company
Senior Editor at Viking
Host Emeritus, WNYC’s Radiolab
Former head of content at Pushkin Industries and Executive Producer of Revisionist History
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
PhD Student, Philosophy
California State University, San Bernardino
Associate Professor, Philosophy
University of Toronto
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Princeton University, Uppsala University
PhD Student, Philosophy of Religion
Graduate Center, CUNY
PhD Student, Philosophy
University of California, Merced
Professor, Philosophy
Pennsylvania State University
Assistant Director and Research Associate, Rock Ethics Institute; Assistant Professor, Public Policy
University of California, Los Angeles
Postdoctoral Fellow, Philosophy
University of Winchester
Associate Lecturer, Philosophy; Director, College of Modern Anxiety
Princeton University
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University Center for Human Values
University of Pennsylvania
Presidential Penn Compact Professor, Philosophy and Graduate School of Education
Universidad Católica de Chile
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Florida Gulf Coast University
Professor, Communication & Philosophy
Stanford University
Lecturer, Political Science, McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society, Stanford Civics Initiative
Princeton University
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University Center for Human Values
University of Toronto
PhD Candidate, Philosophy
University of Washington
PhD Student, Philosophy
Santa Clara University
Associate Teaching Professor, Philosophy
Princeton University
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Philosophy
Northeastern University
Professor,Philosophy; Director, Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Program; Affiliate Professor, Law
Florida State University
PhD Candidate, Philosophy
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
PhD Student, Philosophy
SUNY Potsdam
Associate Professor, Philosophy
University of Minnesota
Assistant Professor, Philosophy; Stephen R. Setterburg, M.D., Faculty Fellow
Penn State Altoona
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Stanford University
McGregor-Girand Professor, Social Ethics of Science and Technology; Professor, Political Science
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Postdoctoral Fellow, Interdisciplinary School for Engagement in Humanities & Social Sciences Medical Humanities Program
University of Oxford
DPhil Candidate, Philosophy
University of Lisbon
Principal Investigator, INESC-ID; Research Associate, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
Mount Holyoke College
Professor, Philosophy
Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Professor, Philosophy
McGill University
James McGill Professor, Philosophy and Jewish Studies
University of Missouri
Professor, Philosophy
University of Oklahoma
Presidential Research Professor, Philosophy and Women’s and Gender Studies
Harvard University
Junior Fellow, Harvard Society of Fellows
Hamilton College
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Princeton University
Postdoctoral Researcher, University Center for Human Values
University of Southern California
Professor, Philosophy
Rochester Institute of Technology
Professor, Philosophy
Durham University
Professor, Philosophy
The Marc Sanders Foundation would be happy to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us (e-mail is preferred) about any questions you might have.
Copyright 2019 Marc Sanders Foundation